Pregnancy Calendar

Congratulations! Either you have decided to start trying to become pregnant or you have recently discovered you are pregnant. This is one of the best times of a woman’s life, but it does bring many questions, concerns and what-if moments. That is why we created this weekly guide. It will help you understand what to expect and how to prepare for a healthy, happy and (mostly) comfortable pregnancy.

Each week will share how your baby is developing, but there are plenty of other topics to consider. Those are broken down and spread out throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy. While some topics are time-specific, others you may want to skip forward or backward to check out. Refer to this table of contents when new terms or conditions pop up.

Ready to dive in? Start with changes with the first trimester.

First Trimester

Changes during the First Trimester

  • First trimester timeline
  • Your baby during the 1st trimester
  • Your body during the 1st trimester
    • Changes in your breasts
    • Let’s talk bras
    • Changes in your skin

Your Health during the First Trimester

  • Best pregnancy foods
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Food cravings
  • Foods to avoid
  • Exercise during pregnancy

Medical Concerns during the First Trimester

  • Finding a medical care provider
  • First trimester doctor visits
    • Ultrasounds during pregnancy
    • Pregnancy over 35
    • Vaccinations during pregnancy
    • Testing for Down syndrome
  • Morning sickness
  • Ectopic (tubal) pregnancies
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Headaches during pregnancy
  • Other pregnancy symptoms
  • Over-the-counter medications during pregnancy
  • Spotting during your first trimester
  • Medical costs and budget prep

Activities during Pregnancy

  • Sex During Pregnancy
  • Can You Work During Pregnancy?
  • Other First Trimester Activities

First Trimester Review

Second Trimester

Week 13

  • Traveling During Pregnancy
  • Heartburn
  • Dental Care
  • Hemorrhoids

Week 14

  • Kegel Exercises
  • Finding Out Baby’s Sex
  • Medication Classifications

Week 15

  • Blood Type and Rh Factor
  • Alpha-Fetoprotein Testing (AFP)
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Tips for Good Night’s Sleep

Week 16

  • Triple Screen Test
  • Amniocentesis
  • Healthy Snacking
  • Questions to Ask: 2nd Trimester

Week 17

  • Round Ligament Pain
  • 3-D Ultrasound
  • Increased Vaginal Discharge
  • Quad Screening Test
  • Vegan/Vegetarian Lifestyle

Week 18

  • Adjusting Exercise Routine
  • Iron-Rich Foods
  • Handling Avodart or Propecia During Pregnancy
  • UTIs

Week 19

  • Back Ache
  • Feeling Dizzy
  • Snoring and Nasal Congestion

Week 20

  • Other Pregnancy Symptoms
  • Other Changes in Body
  • Medical Tests to Prep For
  • Babymoon

Week 21

  • Stretching and the Abdominal Muscles
  • Swelling
  • Blood Clots and Thrombophilia

Week 22

  • Anemia
  • Drinking Enough Water
  • Fetal Fibrenectin (fFn)
  • Feeling Baby Move

Week 23

  • Controlling Diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Glucose Tolerance Test
  • Moles and Skin Tags

Week 24

  • Depression During Pregnancy
  • Effect of Noise on Baby
  • Eating Out During Pregnancy
  • Incompetent Cervix

Week 25

  • How Stress Affects Baby
  • Appendicitis During Pregnancy
  • Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
  • Whitening Teeth During Pregnancy

Week 26

  • Birth Classes
  • Dreams During Pregnancy
  • Retin-A During Pregnancy
  • Assigning Legal Guardians and Crafting Wills

Second Trimester Review

Week 27

  • Leg Cramps During Pregnancy
  • Stretch Marks
  • Kick Count Tests
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • MRSA and GBS

Week 28

  • Falling During Pregnancy
  • All About the Placenta
  • Medical-Health Insurance
  • Questions to Ask: 3rd Trimester

Week 29

  • Preterm Labor
  • Asthma
  • Considering a Home Birth?
  • Starting Your Baby Registry

Week 30

  • IBS and Pregnancy
  • Delivery of Twins
  • Hospital Setups
  • Considering Childcare

Week 31

  • Childbirth Methods
  • Packing Your Hospital Bag
  • Retinol During Pregnancy

Week 32

  • Doctor Visits Increase
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Placental Abruption
  • Tour Hospital with Partner

Week 33

  • Heartburn
  • Whooping Cough
  • Episiotomies

Week 34

  • Has Baby Dropped?
  • Braxton-Hicks Contractions and False Labor
  • Sex During Late Pregnancy

Week 35

  • Mood Swings
  • Budgeting for Baby
  • Varicose Veins
  • Learn How to Time Contractions

Week 36

  • Stalled Weight Gain
  • Passing the Mucus Plug
  • Three Stages of Labor
  • Placenta Previa

Week 37

  • Pelvic Exam
  • Prepare Pet for Baby’s Arrival
  • Choosing a Pediatrician
  • Cesarean Delivery

Week 38

  • Considering Life Insurance
  • What to Expect at the Hospital
  • Breech Position

Week 39

  • Nuchal Cord
  • Breastfeeding
  • Pain Relief During Labor
  • Cord Blood Banking

Week 40

  • Your Labor Coach
  • Apgar Score
  • What to Expect After Birth

Third Trimester Review